Join Tamid Westchester!

Everything we love about Tamid Westchester
is possible thanks to our members!


100% of Membership Support is tax-deductible.

Click here to begin your Tamid Membership!

While the gift of being part of Tamid Westchester is truly priceless, it takes resources to do all that we do. Your philanthropic support, coming from membership support and other donations, is what makes Tamid possible. Here are our membership support levels:

Family Membership (2 adults and children): $3450
Family Membership (1 adult and children): $2800
Couple Membership (2 adults): $2800
Individual or Student-only Membership (1 person): $1550

Meyuchad (Special) Memberships:
For those who can, you may choose membership support at an enhanced level to provide additional and needed support to the Tamid Westchester Community.

Kesher (Connection) Membership: $5,000
Tomaych (Supporter) Membership: $7,500
Ruach (Spirit) Membership: $10,000
Kesher, Tomaych & Ruach members will be recognized through a sponsorship at a communal holiday or Shabbat gathering.

Distance Membership: Minimum gift of $180 per family member
For those who live out of the area and choose to support Tamid as a distance member, we suggest a minimum gift level of $180 per family member. Distance membership is perfect for extended family of Tamid members (parents and grown children), and others who live out of the area, who want to be part of our community, join us for activities when in the area, and who want to support the magic of Tamid from afar. All are welcome.

Membership is required to enroll in the Hebrew School

Grades K-2: $1300
Grades 3-5: $1550
Grade 6, Pre- Bar/Bart/B. Mitzvah: $1800
Grade 7, Bar/Bat/B. Mitzvah program: $2300
Grades 8-12, Teen Mitzvah Corps + DHAP : $1550
Grades 8-12, Teen Mitzvah Corps only: $1050
DHAP, Teen Downtown Hunger Action Project only: $600
Private Bar/Bat/B. Mitzvah Training: $4000

Read our privacy policy and our cancellation/refund policy

Click here to begin your Hebrew School Experience!

Payment Methods
Tamid accepts payment via all major credit cards, ACH, checks, and Zelle.

Please contact our office with any questions about payment methods at

Important Information

1. Students in the B’nai Mitzvah (7th grade) and Pre-Mitzvah (6th grade) classes must be
enrolled at the family membership level (two-parent or single-parent family level).

2. Please consider adding additional family members (i.e. grandparents, aunts, uncles,
siblings, etc., as “auxiliary members”) to your family membership for $180 each. We
value intergenerational family activity and want to support the “whole family.”

3. Children who have completed the B’nai Mitzvah program and have their
ceremony in the following year do not need to re-enroll in Hebrew School. In this
situation, your family only needs to maintain your family membership.

4. We invite individuals and couples that join our online programs to become official members so that we may continue to serve your Jewish life needs.

5. Hebrew School grades K-7 are offered both in-person (Wednesdays) and
virtually online (Thursdays). Mitzvah Corps for grades 8-12 will meet Wednesday

Click here to begin your Tamid Membership!