
Sukkot – The Fall Harvest Festival

Sukkot is one of Judaism’s three harvest festivals, dating back to biblical times. As our fall festival, it celebrates the gathering of the final bounty before winter and was likely the inspiration for Pilgrims’ Thanksgiving festival. The week-long festival is full of agricultural symbols, like the lulav (pronounced: loo’lahv), which represents the various kinds of produce from the Land of Israel and the sukkah (pronounced: soo’kah), the temporary booth that our ancestors would live in – out in the fields – at harvest time. The sukkah also represents the fragility of life, as it is not supposed to be too sturdy.

Sukkot Bagel Brunch Gathering
Saturday October 19, 10a-12p*

Join us in the Sukkah for a casual bagel brunch. We’ll enjoy each other’s company, wave the lulav & etrog, and be festive together. All in the beautiful sukkah in Rabbi Scott’s backyard. There will be food and fun for every age!

Let us know you’re coming and we’ll save you a schmear!

* Rain date is Sunday, October 20, 10a-12p